Anvard Dagorhir

The recent Dagohir event on the Boston Common inspired me to go to one of their practices for the first time. Now my definition of battle game needs to include full contact. Try a battle game before you’re old and injured. Like in your early 20’s. There is plenty of time later in your larping career to try lower impact campaign style larps. But trying a full contact battle game should really be done when you’re healthy. Fortunately sore legs and runners knee are my only complaints from this practice.

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2016 Fall 3 PEL

This Post Event Letter was written for the Mythical Journeys event that took place in November 2016 in Pomfret Ct. It was my first MJ event, and this was my first PEL. This one starts off a little on the plain side, but as I write more PEL’s they continue to get more interesting.

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Gayland’s Secret

This past Mythical Journey’s event included an interesting personal incident. Townsfolk blamed Gayland for murder and ordered him held without trial under threat of death. After unwarranted (literally) confinement, and a bit of torture, the situation felt like something that would happen to a villein. Or maybe a plot from an Elise Peters book (the wonderful Brother Cadfael series). I chose to have Gayland react to the situation in a way that seemed fitting for a low class bonded farmer. Someone used to being ruled by arbitrary whims of those of higher social status. It made a whole new spin on the character.

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My first Mythical Journey’s Character

If you haven’t heard of it yet, Mythical Journey’s is a fantasy campaign larp based in Pomfret Connecticut, USA. The game has been running for 20 ish years, and the same company also runs the Connecticut Renaissance Faire. Without sounding too much like Ad copy, the game is definitely worth checking out if you’re in the New England area. As a new player I found the character creation process a little tricky. The rules are a hybrid of hit point and hit location larps, which means it’s familiar, but just tricky enough for me to make newb mistakes. Here’s what came out of some simple

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Would you play this battle game?


4x Battle game with the following mission statement:

In general larp is getting really good at producing a range of emotions in it’s players and staff. Hardcore Nordic larp groups push emotional boundaries. Battle games however seek to build one particular emotion, and do that through combat.

Esprit du corps
“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the milk of birth.”

System Goals:

  1. Run a game which is enjoyable physically and mentally. 
  2. Explore what combining the 4x game concept and a larp battle game means. 
  3. Focus on the production of one emotion. Espirt du Corps.

The game is played on two layers, each layer informing the other. The strategic layer takes place on a map. In this case a hand drawn hex map. It plays out more like a board game. The Tactical layer takes in a series of well defined battles, the rules of which should be familiar to gamers. Capture the flag, fort battle, bridge battle, milk run, line battle.

Official LotS Statement

From the Legends of the Stars  FB Community Page.

Hello Legends of the Stars,
My good Legendarians this project is a green light go.
We will be running the same dates as planned in our kick-starter, September 15-18. First run tickets will be on sale on, as soon as this Sunday. We are running with 10 ticket bursts. We will do our bests to contact those of you whom supported our kick-starter over the next few days to giver you guys a head start before ticket sales go public. Tickets are 300.00 for standard accommodations.
A shout out to Martin, the man who believed in this project and literally, with out his support this would not have happened as a 3 day event.
Love and Light –
Eric Love
